
5 Ways to Stop Hating Essay Writing

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Essay writing is a must-have skill for every college student. Whether you study marketing, physics, or psychology, you need to be a good writer. Otherwise, you will not be able to get high grades.

If you go crazy, when a teacher assigns you a new essay, you definitely need help. To survive in college, you should change your attitudes toward writing and do it as soon as possible. Here are a few handy tips, which might help you to fall in love with writing.


First of all, you should become a mindful reader. What does it mean? It means that you should pay attention to the structure of the paragraphs and sentences. Your task is to understand which methods authors use to craft fascinating stories.

If you don’t know what to read, you should stop your choice on the masterpieces of the world literature. The books, which are written by Ernest Hemingway, Erich Maria Remarque, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and other famous authors will inspire you to develop your writing skills and creativity.  

Scientific articles  

Most students dream of becoming experts in the field after they graduate. It’s highly likely that you also want to be known as a guru in finance, PR, IT or whatever your major is. To achieve your ambitious goal, you should watch industry trends and read academic articles.

For instance, if you study psychology, you should read at least one article a week from The American Journal of Psychology or Psychology Today. If your major is marketing, you should review publications of the American Marketing Association. If you read scientific literature on a regular basis, you will expand your vocabulary and learn how to use professional jargon in your essays.

Social media

If you don’t like to read books and articles, it’s not a problem. You can find inspiration on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. If you follow famous book writers, journalists, and politics, you will learn lots of writing tricks and tips.

Even more, social media influencers in other niches (fitness, fashion, or travel), may also give you a lesson. They may teach you how to write short, yet strong thesis statements on any topic. Your task is to analyze influencers’ posts and captions in details and then try to express your own ideas as precisely as digital celebrities do.


If you want to change your attitudes toward essay writing, you have no other options but to practice your writing skills. You can do it in a modern way – by starting a blog or microblog. It will encourage you to create new textual content daily.  

You can dedicate your blog to any topic you like. You are free to choose what to share with your readers: your own life experience, feelings, emotions, or useful pieces of advice.

For instance, if you are passionate about cooking, you can post delicious recipes. If you are in love with fitness, you may share workout tips. The more texts you will write, the better your writing skills you will have.


Believe you or not, but music may also help you to improve your writing skills. If you start listening to songs paying attention to lyrics, you may learn how to craft an excellent essay.

Let’s consider one simple example. It’s highly likely that you have heard a song “Believer” by Imagine Dragons hundreds of times, but have never listened to it mindfully.

If you review the text of this song attentively, you will notice that the author used such phrases as “first things first” and “second thing second”. You may use these transition words to structure your essays and to strengthen your message.

Wrapping it up

If you want to become an A-grade student, you should become a good essay writer first. Otherwise, you will have to continuously utilize writing services such as Get Academic Help to maintain a high GPA.

You should stop thinking about school assignments as about boring useless tasks. Most of your assignments are interesting and extremely useful. They help you to improve critical thinking and writing skills, but you don’t notice that.

Change your attitudes towards essay writing, and you will become a happier person and better college student.

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